Holistic Sexology

Cultivate the understanding of

your unique sexual expression

Embark on a profound exploration of intimate well-being and personal growth with our Holistic Sexology services. Our holistic approach to sexual wellness combines ancient wisdom with contemporary practices to create a transformative experience that transcends physical pleasure and delves into the realms of emotional connection and spiritual alignment.

We provide a safe and welcoming space where individuals can explore their sexuality in a holistic and empowering manner. Through a blend of traditional teachings and innovative techniques, we will guide you on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and fulfillment. Discover the profound connection between mind, body, and spirit as you delve into the nuances of holistic sexuality. Our tailored sessions are designed to enhance intimacy, strengthen relationships, and cultivate a deeper understanding of your unique sexual expression.

Embrace a holistic approach to sexuality that honors your individuality and empowers you to navigate the complexities of desire, pleasure, and intimacy with confidence and authenticity. You are invited to embark on a transformative path towards self-awareness, self-acceptance, and a more profound connection with yourself and your partner.

It all begins with a conversation to define your goals, needs, or areas of opportunity. Reach out today and find out if our Holistic Sexology therapy is right for you!

What is a Sexologist?

A sexologist is a person who has formally studied human sexuality. Sexologists have usually studied the science of sex including anatomy and physiology (how our bodies work), history of sex, biology of sex, and a few other -ologies, as well as the emotions behind the actions.

Certification programs were created to to set different variations of education apart: You can find Sexuality Educators, Sexuality focused Social Workers, Sex Therapists, Sex Researchers, Clinical Sexologists, Tantric Healing Providers, and so many more.

With the growing number of people seeking care in the sexual realms be sure you research the qualifications AND the Code of Ethics of the person you are hiring. There is not a regulatory board in many states so anyone can call themselves a sexologist (ugh!). Do your research - or I am happy to help you find someone amazing if I am not the provider for you.

  • I am a Certified Sexologist with a Master of Education (MEd) in Human Sexuality Studies.

    I also hold a Master in Theology and further meet clients where religion and spirituality are a factor in decision making, hinderances, and freedoms.

    With my background in eastern therapies, my approach is more “psycho-social-sex educational”… meaning I support you at the intersection of social, cultural, educational and environmental influences on the mind, body, and your behavior. Your physical, emotional, energetic, mental, and spiritual needs are all invited to all sessions.

  • It all begins with a conversation. To be honest - most of my clients sexual concerns have resolved as soon as the emotional fog has lifted.

  • There are 100s of ways we can work together! Wounds, illnesses, and injuries have a profound impact on the body - and the mind. As long as you are cleared from Physical Therapy or Occupational Therapy, we can get creative to restore a healthy life of intimacy to your world - perhaps with a few adaptations to your Kama Sutra!

  • YES! Please keep your clothing on! Sessions with me will initially focus on the emotions behind all your sexual matters. Your homework will be where you get creative - in the privacy of your home.

    During session I will provide pictures and diagrams as needed - as well as excellent voice guided instructions as necessary.

    I am NOT a hands on provider. I am NOT a hands-in provider. If you are in need of PT, surrogacy, or other services, referrals are available for amazing practitioners.

  • It depends on you! Generally speaking, it could be like a regular therapy session - but with sexual conversation and educational moments. Let’s chat about your concerns and create a plan together.

    Nothing will be presented, discussed, or questioned without your consent. If I need to explain something relating to your anatomy - I will use diagrams.

    The practical integration of the session will be your homework - at your pace.

    I am NOT a hands on provider. I am NOT a hands-in provider. If you are in need of PT, surrogacy, or other services, referrals are available for amazing practitioners.

  • AMAZING! Certified Sexologists generally have a Master or Doctoral degree. There are some certification programs available in sexology but they are NOT essential to becoming a Sexologist.

    What’s your forte?


    -Social Work

    -Sex Therapist

    -Clinical Sexologist

    -Sex Researcher


    -…so many more!

    I can help you research the best program for you!

    A Board of Certification can provide credentials from professional organizations such as the AASECT: American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists, ABS: American Board of Sexology, and the ACSI: American College of Sexologists International. To be CERTIFIED you need to show relevant studies, work experience, training hours, and other requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions


I would love to help - and I need more info. Have you both lost interest? Are you confident to initiate? Do you talk about this with your partner? Conversation is vital to shift this.

Is there a physical difficulty with dryness, arousal, lack of hardness, or an illness/injury keeping you from sexual connection? Have you consulted your doctor, physical therapist, or occupational therapist?

While some people can live without sex, are you able to intimately and emotionally connect?

Conversation is where you need to start - together - and with someone who can help you navigate the future of your intimacy goals. Let’s chat to see if working together is a good fit!


Consensually opening your relationship to Ethical Non Monogamy (ENM) should be gently handled with many intentional conversations. Are you wanting to open to explore multiple loving relationships or more sexual partners? What are your partner’s thoughts?

Discovering the details in conversation is the first step. A conversation is not a change in relationship - nor is it an ultimatum. Holding a respectful conversation may need a middle person to chat about all the concerns and details before the details, rules, and intentions. Let’s chat together!


Passion can change for 100 different reasons. Many circumstances from parenting, loss, trauma, work, finances, and major life events can all impact you, as well as your partner. You both may not even seem like the same person from when the relationship began.

New Relationship Energy (NRE) is full of newness and excitement and can change the longer you are together. It does not mean the relationship is over, it may have progressed into a new phase! Introducing new things can help spark excitement and conversation together!

We have Date Night events at the studio and Relationship Revolution programs that may be an excellent match for your relationship!


Are you and your partner able to openly discuss this? If so, I would start with a YES, NO, MAYBE list that does a sexual desire inventory for you to identify and share your interests together. Check here for a list!

If you’re not able to have discourse - intercourse won’t happen the way you want it to. I tell my sex ed clients, “if you can’t talk about it - you shouldn’t be doing it”.

Let’s chat about that hinderance to your conversations so you can both have the relationship you want AND the sex life you are dreaming of!


Those who grew up in “high demand” religions may experience high levels of religious shame, guilt, and fear for breaking the rules.

Deconstructing and unpatterning the looping words, the bible verses, and examining what you were taught and told vs. what you truly believe is a great place to start.

I can recommend some amazing books if you want to start on your own, I can recommend online, I also offer support groups in the studio. In September 2024 I will host a Group and Lecture series on “The Separation of Church and Sex” that may interest you.

Let’s chat to see if working together is a good fit!


There are many gaps with sex education that “video research” won’t teach. Many times X-videos will do more damage than good when it comes to performance expectations, body image confidence, or trying to learn a specific “move".

YES I teach sex ed for grown-ups! I am happy to guide you to ethical and helpful videos and educational content creators if you prefer.

YES I also teach sex ed for K-12 that is comprehensive, medically accurate, inclusive, and honest course so that kids can make informed decisions about their own life and body. This is a secular presentation that honors individuals religious beliefs but I do not use religious dogmatic/reasonings in my classes. I do not promote abstinence only education.  

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